My favorite sunscreen!
Let’s talk about sunscreen for a minute…
It wasn’t until a couple summers ago that I stopped despising children’s sunscreen. When I think back to the stickiness, the white pastey look to their skin, the constant shaking of the bottles to get it to come out…it makes me shiver!
We tried sprays but the girls hated when it would get near their eyes and somehow we’d always miss streaks of skin.

All of that changed when we ran out of sunscreen on a trip to Florida and had to purchase some from the gift shop…Hallelujah! We FINALLY found a sunscreen lotion that we all loved!
I am truly not just saying this, Australian Gold “Moisture Max” Lotion Sunscreen SPF50 is wonderful! We ordered 5 bottles to start the summer and I know there will be more to come as we travel to parks and play at the pool. It smells like summer, without being overwhelming, and it spreads over their skin so easily! And as the parent, I’m not left with sticky hands and strange smells 😉 Our whole family loves it and I hope you do too!

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Check out ranking on ewg… could be safer…
We use blue lizard (also Australian) and love it!
Thanks for the feedback Jacque!