• Neighborhood Parks,  Parks

    Hidden Gem in Lyons!

    Just into the Colorado foothills in the small town of Lyons, you will find a true hidden gem of a park! LaVern M. Johnson park was not just a playground, it was a DESTINATION so plan to stay there for at least a few hours and invite friends along! Address: 600 Park Dr, Lyons, CO 80540 Unique Features: Where do I begin?? There is so much to this park that kids of all ages will enjoy! What struck me first was the whimsical feel to the play house and other play structures. It brings out so much imagination with who built the house and there is so much included outside…

  • McKay Lake Nature Park best themed playgrounds in Colorado
    Nature Play Area,  Neighborhood Parks,  Parks,  Themed Parks

    Broomfield, What’s a Nature Play Area??

    Last fall, a brand new park opened in Broomfield, Colorado so of course we had to check it out! McKay Lake Nature Play Area is one of the most creative playgrounds we’ve seen! Address: 2301 W 138th Ave, Broomfield, CO 80023 Recommended ages: Elementary (playground & small bike park) through High School (large bike park https://broomfield.org/BikePark) Do you have kids under the age of 6? What you should know is that your kids will enjoy the park but that it isn’t the kind of place where you sit and they go play. It is amazing and creative, however, there are many parts of the park where you will lose sight…