
The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have on a Tractor!

“Mommy, can we go to that barn park again? Pleeeeaaassseee?”

At least once every summer, I get that question and I always know exactly which park the girls are requesting…Britton Park. This little gem is located just west of 68th and Sheridan, yet you would never know it existed, even if you drove along Sheridan daily!

Britton Park is another one of Arvada’s best and you’ll see why…

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Address: 5574 W 69th Ave, Arvada, CO 80003

Bathroom/Shade: Unfortunately, no bathroom options at this park so plan ahead or make a quick stop at Walmart (71st & Sheridan). As far as shade goes, there is a large pavilion to hang out for lunch, and the barn structure provides shade for the kids as they play.

Age Recommendations: This park is adorable and will be loved by children up to around age 8. It is one of the best playgrounds for toddlers and preschoolers in the area!

Unique Features: Britton Park is completely unique as a farmstead-themed playground. The giant red barn and green tractor catch your eye the minute you arrive and kids take off running to get there! Features of the barn include slides, climbing wall, upper level to play and lower level chicken coop. The tractor is so much more than a place to sit! It bounces, has many places to sit or climb, and has the perfect hiding place inside.

There is also a separate toddler section of the park with smaller play structure, baby swings, horseshoe steps and two horses to ride.

Check out this amazing video from Landscape Structures to see a full view of the park layout and features:

Colorado has some incredible playgrounds and Britton Park makes the list. With its theme and location, you will be transported right onto the farmstead and your children’s imaginations will burst with characters to be, jobs to do and animals to tend.

Surrounding Area Highlights: There is a 0.4 mile walking loop along the edges of the park and a multi-use/basketball court. Don’t forget to take along your horseshoe set and teach the kids how to play!

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